Glossary Term

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

What does XML mean?

Markup language defining rules for encoding documents in a format readable by both humans and machines.

XML: What you Need to Know

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language defining rules for encoding documents in a format readable by both humans and machines.

It structures data, facilitates information exchange, and supports platform-independent data representation for web-based applications and services.

XML enables data validation, simplifies data sharing, and enhances interoperability across different systems and software applications.

XML supports data integration, improves data management, and enables structured document formatting for efficient data processing and analysis.

It structures data, facilitates information exchange, and supports platform-independent data representation for web-based applications and services.

XML ensures data consistency, facilitates data interchange, and supports complex data structures with standardized markup language specifications.

Key Benefits

  • Markup language defining rules for encoding documents in a format readable by both humans and machines
  • Structures data, facilitates information exchange, and supports platform-independent data representation for web-based applications and services
  • Enables data validation, simplifies data sharing, and enhances interoperability

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