Headless API. Make CX Truly Composable

Create a publishing pipeline that delivers your content everywhere your customers click.
A man programming a computer

What is a Headless CCMS?

Discover CX is the first headless CCMS. It seperates content creation and storage from presentation. Content is delivered using our API. You can easily integrate content into websites, portals, software help, and other channels.

Flexible Content Delivery: Content management and delivery operate independently, allowing for greater flexibility in how content is presented across different platforms and devices.

API-First: Content is delivered via APIs, enabling seamless integration with various frontend frameworks and ensuring consistent delivery across web, mobile, and more.

Structured Content: Leverage powerful content modeling and structuring capabilities, such as DITA, to ensure consistency, reusability, and precision.


Enable all your customer content for API-based delivery.


Transform in real-time based on customer role or account.

Any Content Type

Publishing pipeline aggregates, transforms, and delivers.


Securely deliver content at scale with auditable controls.
Diagram showing digital content going into an API and outputting on computers and devices.

Deliver DITA and Technical Content with Precision

Transform DITA, XML, Flare, and virtually any other format into web-ready, intelligent JSON designed to integrate with ease.

With granular control over content structure, metadata, and rich media, you can ensure your technical documentation, tutorials, and guides are flawlessly presented and easily accessible.

Image showing a product listing from a commerce site.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Content Delivery

Discover the powerful features of our headless CCMS that streamline your content management and enhance customer experiences.

DITA Delivery

Leverage DITA for structured content delivery, ensuring consistency and precision in your documentation.

Custom Content Models

Create custom content models allowing for highly flexible content structures.

Language Locales

Deliver multi-lingual content. Maintaini consistency and accuracy across all regions.

Omnichannel Publishing

Deliver content across multiple channels, including web, mobile, and IoT devices, from a single source of truth.

GIT-based Deploys

Integrate with Git for automated version control, collaboration, and streamlined deployment processes.

Role-Based Access

Role-based access control securely manages permissions and ensure only authorized users can access content.

Scale your content operations

Meet with us. Lean how Discover CX helps you create, manage, and deliver docs and customer experiences. Generate content faster, more accurately, and cost effectively.