Glossary Term

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

What does JSON mean?

Lightweight data interchange format derived from JavaScript, used for API communication and data storage.

JSON: What you Need to Know

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format derived from JavaScript, used for API communication and data storage due to its simplicity.

It includes key-value pairs, arrays, and objects to represent structured data for seamless transmission between servers and web applications.

Developers use JSON to exchange data, configure APIs, and store information in a readable and accessible format for efficient data interchange.

JSON facilitates interoperability, simplifies data parsing, and enhances API functionality by supporting data serialization and deserialization.

It includes key-value pairs, arrays, and objects to represent structured data for seamless transmission between servers and web applications.

Benefits include simplified data interchange, enhanced API functionality, and efficient data storage through a lightweight and readable format.

Key Benefits

  • Lightweight data interchange format used for API communication
  • Represents structured data for seamless transmission between servers
  • Facilitates interoperability, simplifies data parsing, and enhances API functionality

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