Glossary Term


What does DITA Maps mean?

Files used in DITA to organize and link topics, facilitating structured content creation and navigation.

DITA Maps: What you Need to Know

DITA Maps are files used in DITA to organize and link topics, facilitating structured content creation and navigation within a documentation set.

They serve as hierarchical containers that define the order and relationships among DITA topics for publication.

DITA Maps provide a visual representation of content structure and navigation paths for technical documentation.

Organizations use DITA Maps to create documentation maps that enhance content organization and navigation efficiency.

They serve as hierarchical containers that define the order and relationships among DITA topics for publication.

Using DITA Maps supports consistent and logical content presentation across different publishing formats and platforms.

Key Benefits

  • Organizes and links DITA topics for structured content creation and navigation
  • Facilitates content organization and navigation efficiency
  • Enhances content consistency and usability

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